Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Jennie, are you open?"

I finally took a picture at home! This is Hannah, my 3 year-old host sister. She’s adorable but can be a handful. The first morning I woke up in the house, I opened the door to me room and heard her exclaim, “Jennie is open!” (People hear seem to have a very difficult time with pronouncing my name. Go figure.) The rest of the day was exhausting. She jumped around in my room and went through my things. When she grew tired, she stood behind me and pulled on my hair.

She can be sassy. Whenever I try to lay down the law (ex: “Hannah, don’t bang on my computer please”) she responds with “You are not my friend today. Mommy will beat you!”

I nabbed this picture during one of her daily explorations of my room.

“Jennie, may I put on yo’ specs?”

“Jennie, I wear yo’ specs upside down.”


  1. She's so cute! She'll be able to spend all semester going through your will take that long! All is well here, just running to games. Tomorrow we'll have football, HS volleyball and college volleyball. Good thing gas is so cheap :! Talk to you soon....I"m at the Bean today but will have my phone.
    Love you!

  2. Isn't she adorable!! I am sure you and all your stuff are a novelty to her--hopefully the novelty wears off a bit. haha Austin's leg is doing alot better!! He has now been practicing full practices on it and it seems to be holding up ok. Just praying it stays that way. He told John last night that practice is much more enjoyable now that he is not on the sidelines. He will go to Eureka tonight to watch the Battler fb game. Prbly one of the only ones he will get to cuz only Saturday that he doesn't have a game is this week. Think he is coming home after that(since no game tomorrow). Kinda cool last week--the Battler game was the Aberdeen News featured game of the week(picking 1 game a week). Austin was in Shenanigans with his PC team and it was being televised on a local Aberdeen channel so he got to watch it. Not sure if I will go to Eureka tonight or not cuz Kirstie is home sick again today. Ugghh!! She is liking school and Mrs. Katie Larson alot--kind of a bummer to miss a couple days. Of course to Alli it is just school. She got home from vb last night(beat Faulkton) and had a bunch of stuff for student council to get done. She is the sec/treas and they are having some 9/11 remembrance deal today. Ok better stop talking. Love you, Bridget
